GMO Sign by GlobalSign is an online web-based signing solution that provides easy document management and workflow. It helps customer to get rid of works like printing, binding, posting, collecting, filling and search of contracts. They can send and request sign through e-sign solution and manage documents in the system securely.
It is a web-based solution that will work with all major browsers. It requires user credentials to login and manage document.
As a first step user needs to register for an account with the application. By default, it will create a profile of an Administrator.
As an administrator you have right to create more users in your organization. You can change your role to administrator+signer which will give you additional features like apply for an AATL certificate and sign a document.
User can select service they want to apply for, e-sign or digital sign services, from available plans.
User can start requesting sign and managing documents.
The service has many features like online sign, status check, workflow, time stamp, email notification, stamp imprint etc.
Cloud signature (Digital Signature type & Electronic Signature type)
GlobalSign AATL certificate
GlobalSign Time stamp
Seiko Time stamp
Digitally Signing Document
Trsuted AATL list member
Workflow based document signing.
B-24 & 25, NICE Industrial Area
Satpur MIDC, Nashik 422007